Tuesday 1 January 2013


dugaan ALLAH kita xkan tahu bila akan menjengah. alfatihah tuk arwah tok ku yg telah pergi buat selama2 nya.. ini mungkin ujian kecil yg perlu aku tempuhi tapi aku berasakan ujian nie sgt berat tuk aku hadapi. YA ALLAH kuatkan semangat hambaMU ini. kehilangan itu sgt memeritkan. tapi itu sudah ketentuanNYA. sebanyak mane pn  juraian air mte ku mengalir, mustahil arwah akan kembali lagi... terima kasih kwn2 yg bg moral supprt kt aku.. dan trima ksih jgk yg  kawan (xtaw layak ke x dipanggil kan) bagi kata2 nista kat aku. awk bkn kat tmpt sy, so awak xtaw pe prasaan sy bila kata2 nista 2 kluar dr mlut awak walaupn awk beranggapn itu hanyalah gurauan.. ilah!kuatkan semangatt. final dh dekat. yg pergi xka kmbali lg.. moge arwah berada dalam kalangan org2 yg beriman. DARI TANAH KITA DATANG, DARI TANAH JUGA KITA KEMBALI!
          kata2 kaktie yg menguatkan semangt aku.. terima kasih byk2 kaktie
 allah lebih sygkn die.kak lah kene kuat. lumrah kehidupan. kite semua akn jejak lngkh mreka jgk , cuma , masenye tak tau bila.. MATI itu PASTI.


Tuesday 11 December 2012

suprise suprise suprise!

wow! i can't believe it.. 
suprise birthday for me..
thanks friends..
i'm very appreciate it..

Saturday 1 December 2012

final exams are around the corner!

Preparing for the Final
  1. Find out what your entire final exam fall 2012 is so that you’ll know how many finals you will have on each day.
  2. Prepare a written schedule for yourself indicating when you will study for each test. Leave some time in your schedule for exercise and relaxation, too.
  3. If the professor offers a study guide, use it.
  4. If the professor offers a review session for the exam, go to it.
  5. If you study well in groups, form a study group.
  6. Know if the final is comprehensive (covering everything since the beginning of the semester or quarter).
  7. Find out what kind of exam it will be. You’d study differently for a multiple-choice (Scantron) final than an essay (blue book) one.
  8. If the final will be taken online, find out if you have to go to a specific computer lab on campus at a specific time, or if you’ll be allowed to take the final on your own computer. Also find out how many chances you will have to take the final. Assume it’s just one chance unless you hear differently from the professor.
  9. If you have your previous exams available, scour the exams for things that you think will be on the final. Flag your notes by highlighting or using Post-It notes.
  10. Don’t pull an all-nighter. (Though some people are successful with studying all night and then taking a test with no sleep, I wouldn’t recommend you try it for the first time on a final exam.)
  11. Calculate your grades in the class. Determine what score you will need to get the grade you’re hoping for in the class. You may discover that you can’t possibly get an A, no matter how well you do on the final, but to get a B, you only need to get a few questions right.
  12. If you’re an auditory learner, record yourself reading your notes aloud, then play the recording back several times.
  13. If the exam is an open_book exam, this does not mean that you don’t have to study at all. In fact, one of the most challenging exams I ever took as an undergrad was an open-book essay exam. Flag your textbook based on where you believe the questions will come from.
  14. Consider creating a detailed Final Exam Battle Plan.

Friday 23 November 2012

15 November

Holiday holiday holiday..!

shopping time...
i like this moment.
when i shopping, i feel my stress will release
no more stress although i have many assignment
thanks a lot to my friends  whose accompany me... 
tq cheah and nadia.. 

5 November

class start after midsem break..
this week, i'm feel i'm a lazy person in the world.
I want my holiday continued
I miss my daily life during holidays
Its quite hard for me to be an active person in this week. 

Thursday 22 November 2012

3 November

my family and I spend time together,.
we were very enjoy on that day.
we went to "Taman Tamadun Islam".
There are many type of mosque that have in the world

For me, this mosque is the wonderfull mosque.. 
Every weekend, many tourist will visit to see the beauty of the place.

If tourist want to see the beauty from sea,  they can take the boat.